Kenneth Paul Lesko Cleveland Art Gallery



Historical Artists


Below is a list of artists currently in our inventory, artists from our previous exhibitions,

and artists whose work we wish to acquire.


Gertrude Abercrombie H.C. Christy

Ray Grathwol

Adam Lehr Seymour Rosofsky
George Adomeit Henry Church

William Grauer

Hayley Lever Dorothy Rutka
Russell Barnett Aitken Nicolai Cikovsky William Gropper Russell Limbach Charles Sallee
George Ames Aldrich Ora Coltman Doris Hall Robert Lohman Rolph Scarlett
Whitney Atchley William Corasick Daniel Hodermarky Hal Lotterman William Schock
John Atherton Harold Cousins Marguerite Hohenberg Luigi Lucioni Viktor Schreckengost
Otto Bacher R. Guy Cowan Carl Robert Holty Leo Manso Charles Sebree
Sol Bauer Konrad Cramer Emil Holzhauer John Marin Charles G. Shaw
George Bellows E. Daingerfield Hazel Janicki Fletcher Martin Clyde Singer
Ben Benn Herbert Davidson Joseph Jankowski Ezio Martinelli Walter Sinz
Bernece Berkman Charles Demuth Paul Jenkins Frances Meyers R. Way Smith
Ben Berkey Clara Dieke Joseph Jicha F. Lewis Mora William Sommer
August Biehle Stevan Dohanos Raymond Johnson Dorothy Morang Rolf Stoll
Emil J. Bisttram Peter Paul Dubaniewicz Sheffield Kagy Louise Nevelson John Teyral
Arnold Blanch William Joseph Eastman Max Kalish Dale Nichols Louis Comfort Tiffany
Lawrence Blazey Edris Eckhardt John Kavanagh Elmer Novotny Paul Travis
Alexander Blazys De Scott Evans William Keck Daniel Para Richard Treaster
Paul Bogatay Julius Faysash Henry Keller Bill Parker John Ulbricht
Aaron Bohrod Lyonel Feininger Grace V. Kelly Fritz Pfieffer Sandor Vago
Margaret Bourke-White Oswald Fell Gyorgy Kepes Horace Potter Abraham Walkowitz
Louis Bosa Richard Filipowski Medard Klein Granville Redmond Abel Warshawsky
Oliver Boza Leroy Flint Gerda Knudsen Edna Reinde Alex Warshawsky
Daniel Boza Frank Fousek Richard Koppe Fred Rentschler Richard Wengenroth
Elmer Brown Carl Gaertner Myron Kozman Paul Riba Frank Wilcox
Edmund Brucker Mary Gehr Leon Kroll Walter Dubois Richards Thelma Frazier Winter
Marion Bryson Clement Giorgi Kalman Kubinyi Hugo Robus Grant Wood
Charles Burchfield Fern Giorgi Max Kuehne George Roby

Hale Woodruff

Harry Callahan Raphael Gleitsmann Gaston Lachaise Noel Rockmore-Davis

William Zorach

Alexander Canedo Charles Goeller Juliette LaChaume Emanuel Romano

Clarence Carter Bernard Goss A. Laurelli Louis Rorimer

Kae Dorn Cass Adolph Gottlieb Donald Laycock Cyril Jean Rose

Elizabeth Catlett Frederick Gottwald Hughie Lee-Smith

Guy Rose